
Understand Your Child’s Anxiety (Infographic)

If you’ve never suffered from anxiety, it can be challenging to understand what a child is truly experiencing. In fact, excessive worrying may seem like a normal part of growing up and something kids just have to “deal” with. This infographic breaks down the very real and often debilitating feeling of anxiety. Recognizing how and why the brain and body transform in moments of anxiety is a first step in helping alleviate the condition.


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3 thoughts on “Understand Your Child’s Anxiety (Infographic)”

  1. Excellent visual. Permission to have it on our 22q11 Ireland website? Our children have excess anxiety levels and benefit greatly from visuals.
    Many thanks in advance,

  2. Just discovered this site on Facebook. And it looks fantastic! I’m very eager to sign up and get started so that I can help my son.


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