
Dear Anger Podcast ·

Limiting Screen Time Without Scream Time

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Ed and Renee are here with a solution for limiting screen time and making kids love it. Ha! Just kidding! Parents get angry when kids spend too much time on electronic devices. Kids get angry when they’re told to turn them off. The battle over time spent on video games and phones is common in every home, and it’s not going away. While there is no fix-all tool, we do have plenty of strategies and advice for helping parents maintain boundaries without losing their temper.

Dear Anger is a podcast for all ages! If yelling, tantrums, fighting, arguing, and silent treatments, not to mention all the stress and anxiety that accompany those things, have a presence in your home, then you're in the right place. Join hosts Ed Crasnick and Renee Jain, the powerhouse team that brought you Dear Anxiety, every week as they share tools, tricks, and tips for transforming anger into a positive catalyst for change.

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Name That Tone


Compassion in the Face of Anger

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