
GoZen! Anxiety Relief

Use the Secret of Improv Comedy in Everyday Parenting

If you have ever seen an improv comedy show, you will notice one thing—improvisational actors rarely use the word “No” on stage. This is because “No” will stop the scene dead in its tracks, every single…

Life With Your Strong-willed Child: From Combat to Co-operation

Ahhh. Winter is here. Don’t you just love this time of year? Excitement about the holiday is growing; stores transform into glittering grottoes of promise; there’s a freshness in the air… wait a minute… a…

Perfectionism: 8 Tools for Parents with Kids Afraid to Fail

You know the pain. You, whose daughter is nauseated, hunched over the toilet. She’s worried sick that she won’t recall each of the facts she memorized for her history test today, a subject in which…

10 Reasons We Worry About Teens on Social Media (And Some Reasons We Shouldn’t)

Parents, in increasing numbers, are concerned about their teens’ use of social media. With countless news stories, books, and articles detailing its hazards, noise on the topic can make it hard for anyone to understand…

13 Reasons Why Not (Original Song)

[twocol_one]A smile… The sand on your feet… The sun on your face… A song… The taste of chocolate… That friend who was there…[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] [divider] These “small” things are the stuff of life. They are…

Affirmations to Bust Test Anxiety

The sun has set and twenty little fingers and toes snuggle comfortably under the sheets. This is the scene in my home each night as I lie down with my three-year-old son and four-year-old daughter before…

A Mindful Minute: How to Observe a Train of Anxious Thoughts (Illustrated)

Kids have anxious thoughts all the time… “I’m going to fail math and never get into college.” “I’m totally screwing up this speech right now, and everyone knows it.” “What if I don’t get asked…

Help your Kids Set Better Goals: WOOP

Has your child ever set a goal, only to lose sight of it a few minutes, hours, or weeks later? Sometimes, life has a way of getting away from our children – with school, friends,…