
Team Info

In order to provide you with the best support possible, please let us know who to contact about your team!

"*" indicates required fields

Your Info

This should match what you entered during checkout so that information entered is properly attached to your order.

Main User's Info

This is the person who will be primarily using the programs (or the person in charge of using the programs) so we know who to contact about your account.
Main User's Name*

Your Goals/Expectations

We’d love to hear how you plan on using the program this year! Tell us a little bit about your expectations:

We ask for the information above to better support you in using the programs and materials. Ready to get started? Learn how to set up your team here.

Reach us at [email protected] if you have any questions!

Need help? Get support on your dashboard here. You can also reach us on Live Chat weekdays from 9am-4pm Eastern Time (US) for quick questions.