
Growth Mindset & Grit Activity Kit (PDF)



8 Printable PDF Cards, Stories, Games and Activities that teach kids to embrace a growth mindset and accept failure as just another step on the way to success


This printable PDF pack includes:

  • Mindset Finder – craftable fortune tellers that encourage kids to face challenges with a growth mindset
  • I’mPerfect – a 5-part story for kids 8+ that explores perfectionism + an interactive journal
  • The Fortunes of Flubbing/The Fortunes of Failure – a card game that teaches kids that successes are built upon failures, and to treat failures as a step along the way when facing challenges
  • Epic Fail game – prompt cards that let kids practice rejection
  • Winding Paths to Success – a series of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style stories that demonstrate paths to success that aren’t straightforward
  • Challenge Journal – a printable challenge journal to help kids re-examine what it means to fail, to succeed, and encourages kids to develop healthy coping habits when faced with frustration
  • Feelings Journal – a printable feelings journal to help kids welcome feelings, even uncomfortable ones, and understand what their feelings are telling them
  • Success Iceberg – printable posters that encourage kids to see the effort and learning that lie beneath success