
My Self-Compassion Journal for Cultivating Love & Kindness for Myself

“Self-compassion soothes the mind like a loving friend who’s willing to listen to our difficulties without giving advice, until we can sort out our problems for ourselves.” ~Kristen Neff, Ph.D.

After we face challenges and experience emotional turmoil, it’s commonplace to be self-critical. In short, we are regularly beating ourselves up for our own humanity. Fortunately, we can choose a different reaction to adversity. During the trials of life, we deserve our own love and kindness. This is not about self-pity or self-indulgence, but rather, it’s a form of compassion that acknowledges that we are simply human.

Mounting research reveals that allowing ourselves to “be human” is a path to greater well-being. But even without the science, if we quiet our souls and listen to our inner voices, it is clear that self-compassion will always trump self-criticism on the journey toward living a purposeful, meaningful, and engaged life.

Use this beautifully illustrated journal containing six research-inspired exercises to nurture greater self-compassion.

Purchase the journal here on Amazon for $12.99

Self Compassion Journal

Sample exercises:



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