
Transform Anxiety, Negative Thinking, and Anger into Resilience

The challenge:

Worried thoughts


The transformation: Accurate thoughts

Approved by teens and backed by science, our animations and worksheets lead to transformation:

The challenge: Stress and constant worry

The transformation: Resilient thoughts and behavior

The challenge: Anger and Impulsive Reactions

The transformation: Empowerment and Respectful Assertiveness

The challenge: Perfectionism

The transformation: Growth Mindset

What do tweens & teens LOVE about GoZen!?


What do you get when you combine a Harry Potter-like story with science-based skills of resilience? A program you don't have to force-feed to your teens!

Teens absolutely LOVE our 50-75 page short stories which teach them skills of resilience. Story topics include anxiety, self-criticism, perfectionism, anger and much more!

If your teen is still into animations, they have the option to learn by watching videos as well!

What do the programs teach?

The GoZen! program suite includes 9 programs, 240+ animations, and hundreds of worksheets and posters. Each program teaches kids essential social and emotional learning skills. Here are just some of the things kids learn across those programs:

  • Resilient thoughts:  Learn to catch, check, collect, challenge, and change worrisome, negative, or looping thoughts.
  • Mindfulness:  Discover how to go from asking constant "What if" questions to coming back to "What is" going on in present moment.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Dive into their inner emotional world to expand self-awareness of emotions, what they mean, and how to navigate them.
  • Impulse Control: Embrace many methodologies to pause before they react to a trigger or event.
  • Kids are armed with essential life skills embedded across programs including hundreds of animations, worksheets, key learning points, discussion questions, and interactive practice.

How it works


1. Watch Videos or Read Stories

Teens read resilience-building stories and/or watch animations.


2. Reinforce Learning

Lessons are reinforced with beautiful worksheets and quizzes which accompany each lesson.

An animation that helps kids with anxiety

3. Practice

Kids learn to practice coping skills from the program in real-life situations. Practice develops resilient habits.


4. Transform

Transformation of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors result in greater well-being for the whole family.

Animated programs created for ages 11-15

A family subscription gets you access to our full suite of animated programs. Each program delivers concepts through animations featuring fun, relatable characters in real-life situations. The following animated programs are made just for our tween and teen audience.

GoPositive! Negative Thoughts Relief Program

A scene from an animation to help students with anxiety


  • 1 Module
  • 7 Animations
  • 30+ Minutes of Video

This succinct 7-animation mini-program walks teens and tweens through how to recognize when negative thoughts are taking over, and introduces 5 different tools they can use to break out of a negative thought cycle.

GoCharge! Anger Transformation Program

GoCharge! Anger Transformation Animated Program


  • 4 Modules
  • 19 Animations
  • 50+ Minutes of Video

Jin and Serena are two different students with one common problem: big anger! From yelling and hitting, to back talk and sarcasm, they do it all. Fortunately, they meet Raj, an older student who teaches them tools to transform anger into positive change!

GoWave! Panic Attack Relief Program

A scene from an animation to help students with anxiety


  • 1 Module
  • 12 Animations
  • 55+ Minutes of Video

Neutrino and a brand new team are on an action-packed mission to Earth to uncover the truth behind panic attacks. Teens & tweens learn about their innate superpowers; the fight, flight, or freeze response; and how to understand and overcome the overwhelming feelings panic attacks cause.

GoAction! Procrastination Relief Program

Animation of strategies helping kids with anxiety in action, a resilience program for Kids & Teens


  • 1 Module
  • 6 Animations
  • 24+ Minutes of Video

Taylor is totally awesome, but he's also totally disorganized, always late for class, and days behind on his homework. He's a chronic procrastinator! Luckily, he gets research-based tools to curb his procrastination from... his future self!

Dawn Huebner, PhD

Wow, GoZen! This is a bite-size, kid-friendly, clinically accurate worry-fighting program where skills are clearly explained and amply reinforced.

If you buy one product this year to help your anxious child, make it GoZen!

Really. It’s that good.

Dawn Huebner, PhD.
Clinical Psychologist
Best-selling author

Hi, I’m Renee Jain.

I know all too well what it’s like to live with anxiety as a child. While some of us are born more resilient, others simply need to master this ability with practice (and, yes, it can be practiced)!

Renee Jain, MAPP

We can help kids cultivate basic coping techniques to overcome anxiety as well as life skills to find meaning, purpose, and engagement in their lives.

I can’t go back in time to help little Renee, so I founded GoZen! in order to help a new generation of kids and parents. Peace is within reach–it comes from strength that lies within all of our children.

I'm ready to get started!

Are you ready to help your child learn the skills they need to conquer their anxiety?

Using the power and relatability of animation, your child will gain the tools and techniques to overcome their anxiety. Bring peace back into your child’s life - and your home - today. Purchase today for instant access to the program. 🙂

GoZen! Family Monthly

$67 per month Immediate access, Cancel anytime
  • 9 Animated programs
  • 1 Live-action challenge program
  • Program worksheets & updates
  • BONUS: Expert interview library
  • BONUS: Parenting workshops
Best Value! 75% Off

GoZen! Family Yearly

$197 per year Immediate access, Cancel anytime
  • 9 Animated programs
  • 1 Live-action challenge program
  • Program worksheets & updates
  • BONUS: Expert interview library
  • BONUS: Parenting workshops
  • BONUS: Printable content library

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready? See pricing!

Coach, therapist or educator? We have a GoZen! Program just for you.

Here's what parents have to say:

GoZen! is awesome. It has given me a way to discuss complex topics and challenges with my children. The scenarios described are real and very useful. It completely keeps the kids attention and if I’m honest given the science behind this, I’m learning as much as they are. Do your entire family a favor and invite this intergalactic gem into your home!

John V
Proud Parent

My child has been through everything – and GoZen! has made THE impact for her. We experienced a natural disaster last year in our city and she developed anxiety within days of the disaster.

A year later a new psychologist (the 5th) introduced us to this series and it has made the WHOLE difference. Thank you so very much for bringing this in the format kids connect with compared to blowing bubbles and breathing exercises and doing worksheets!

Proud Parent

I bought your program recently and love it! My daughter is much less anxious and gets less overwhelmed. We had so many years of hardship in that area — this program is such a blessing! I am willing to bet that you are receiving many happy stories, but I wanted you to know ours. Thank you for everything.

Proud Parent

My son has lived with immobilizing panic attacks since experiencing a horrific concussion at a young age. He has lost full days being stressed about absolutely everything, throwing up, and all of the other terrible symptoms. It has been the hardest thing to watch and not have all the answers to make it go away when his anxieties try to take over him.

While researching a couple of months ago – neuroscience, MBSR, CBT, home remedies, etc. I came across GoZen! and my son just told me this morning, “Momma, the only thing that helps besides you is GoZen, especially Widdle.” I will never be able to thank you enough. Ever.

Proud Parent

Our daughter has always been prone to separation anxiety, but it came to a head when she had to go to a 5-day camp. We tried several different approaches, but it was GoZen! that really ‘clicked’ for her. She breezed through the camp, and has handled further challenges like starting high school with much greater confidence.

Proud Parent