
Beat Social Anxiety

GoZen! Anxiety Relief for Children PodcastSocial anxiety can make life very difficult for children. Fortunately, kids can learn skills to overcome their fear and worries. Listen to this GoZen expert interview and learn how to change the life of a child with social anxiety.

Podcast: Beat Social Anxiety


James CristDr. Crist is the Clinical Director of the Child and Family Counseling Center in Woodbridge. As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, he works with a wide variety of clients, including children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. He specializes in play therapy, working with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders.

Dr. Crist is also the author of seven books. His latest book, Siblings — You’re Stuck With Each Other, So Stick Together, with co-author Elizabeth Verdick, was released in 2010 and helps kids learn to get along with their siblings. His 8th book is in the works — a survival guide for kids on how to make and keep friendships.

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